

Friday, May 13, 2011

Can someone tell me what we did wrong?

Ok I am officially baffled! In the last 10 years South La has endured 4 major hurricanes, an oil spill and consequently the invasion by the dark lord Cthulhu (yes that is how you spell it), and now we are going to have to deal with a freaking Noah's ark style biblical flood! Now I admit that we may have partially deserved some of this; after all, we were the morons who built our biggest city in a bowl, but technically it was the army corp of engineers who constructed the crappy levies and flood gates that some how keep breaking and sucking total ass. And we are certainly not responsible for oil covered sea creatures, and the portal to another dimension being opened! So what gives? Is it our rich history of "colorful" politics that's landed us here? Or maybe the fact half the original settlers here were criminals shipped over from europe? Perhaps the universe is just jealous of the fact that our food is better than their's.Maybe the problem is that hell indeed did freeze over when the Saints won the super bowl and this stuff is all because the devil is just really pissed off and cold. I'm not really sure; all i know is that karma has got a hit out on us and apparently it needs multiple assassins to take us down.  Truthfully I don't really care who are what's to blame. I would really just like to complete an entire year with out having to worry about if some body of water is going to overflow into my house, school, or place of bussiness unless that body of water happens to be my bathtub... because after all this crap I may need a serious aroma therapy scrub down.

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